In NEO Deli

The new Banter and Super Bar!

You know the saying ‘success breeds success’?  Well, we’ve found that to be true when it comes to o’natural.  Their bars have such a devoted following and they’re often asked by their supporters for even more flavours.  So they’ve listened to what their fans are asking for and have come up with two gorgeous new bars.

O’natural Banter Bar

Mike and Jo have received a lot of banter recently from their following asking them “When are you going to make a Banting friendly bar?”. Well, Jo has been busy as a bee in the ‘Creation Station’ and has come up with a fantastic low carb, low sugar wholefood bar, perfect for anyone following the Banting diet. She experimented with sweeteners such as stevia and xylitol, but in the end local, sustainably-sourced honey was the natural winner. Less than half a teaspoon per bar offers just the right amount of sweetness whilst still maintaining a low sugar percentage.  The inclusion of raw cacao, mesquite and chia means you will receive a healthy dose of superfoods too. Enjoy ‘living la vida LOW CARB’ with the new o’natural Banter Bar .

O’Natural Super Bar

At o’natural they focus on quality ingredients and lots of them! It’s always been about a healthy combination of carefully selected ingredients but with a name like Super Bar they knew they would have to push the limits. So they decided to load their latest raw bar with 7 of their favourite superfoods. That’s 25% superfoods per bar! The base of nuts and minimal use of dates allows for slow released and sustained super energy, perfect for anyone ‘keeping it real’ whilst living an active lifestyle.

Banter Bar 800 x 640
Super Bar 800 x 640
o'natural super bar

“Keeping it real o’naturally!”

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