In NEO Deli

Many of you know Alison & Bruce Gilson of Tierhoek Organics for their wonderful Certified Organic jams and dried fruit.  However, if you know anything about organic farming, you’ll also know there aren’t many truly certified organic fruit farmers out there, so organic fruit remains in short supply.

Sulphur-free Dried fruit

Having had decades of experience, Tierhoek have developed significant expertise in the sulphur-free dried fruit production process and they’ve decided to launch a non-organic preservative- and sulphur-free range to provide more options for our customers under the brand name The Fruit Cellar. 

Of course Certified Organic would be their obvious first choice. However there are very few certified organic farmers and they will not buy from un-certified farmers who only say they are organic.  This is a matter of principle and legality for their Certified Organic range.

Sulphur Dioxide is used widely in the dried fruit industry to preserve dried fruit from moulds and insect growth. It is this sulphur that people have an allergy towards and which is not used in The Fruit Cellar range.

Sourcing Fresh Produce Locally

Fresh fruit is sourced from local Western Cape farmers who are GlobalG.A.P. and export certified. This means they farm with a minimum of sprays, in some cases no chemicals at all, as well as adhering to strict environmental and labour regulations.

“Over the past few years’ customers have asked us for a greater variety of sulphur-free dried fruit” says Alison. “Buying sulphur free dried fruit is essential for many people with sulphur allergies as well as those who wish to enjoy delicious dried fruit without any preservatives. The Fruit Cellar range fills the gap where we cannot buy certified organic fruit to dry.”

Product Range

The Fruit Cellar product range includes a dried plums, apples & pears, blueberries, persimmons and a savoury range of dried onions, tomatoes and green peppers.

Also in their range are two delicious jams: blueberry and strawberry.

The fruit cellar

The Fruit Cellar: a range of unsulphured, preservative-free dried fruit, vegetables & jams.

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