In NEO Deli

At Rozendal,  they follow the traditional French Orleans method of vinegar making.The result is a Balsamic-style vinegar; balanced in sweetness and acidity and offering a robust tonic and chef’s essential.

But the real character of this vinegar range lies in the botanical infusions, carefully selected for their culinary and health-enhancing properties. Available in 4 exquisite flavours which include the biodiversity of the Western Cape Floral kingdom as well as taste profiles from around the world: Hibiscus, Fynbos, Green Tea & Lavender.

Delicious as salad dressings, food flavouring, reduction sauces for meat dishes, making pickles or even for creating refreshing soda drinks, these award-winning infused vinegars are so versatile, they easily earn their place in your pantry.


“The joy of mastering a time-honoured craft and imbuing it with the flavours of local botanicals”

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