In NEO Deli

Nanuki – they’re getting famous for re-inventing confectionery.  First they brought out their awesome Boom Bars; Caramel Quake, Matcha Explosion & Metamorphic Brownie:





And now they’ve brought out their Brownie Bombs which are  high in energy, high in fibre, a source of protein and very low in sodium, making them a great on-the-go treat!

Free from dairy, gluten, soy, nuts, refined sugar, preservatives and palm oil, they are perfect for the whole family and come in 3 irresistible flavours:


Crunchy buckwheat in a brownie ball, covered in dark chocolate

Ingredients: dates, rice flour, coconut flour, cocoa powder, raw honey, buckwheat, coconut oil, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, organic spirulina powder, organic lucuma powder, organic mesquite powder


Brownie ball with a cookie dough centre, covered in dark chocolate

Ingredients: dates, rice flour, Coconut flour, cocoa powder, coconut oil, raw honey, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, organic spirulina, organic lucuma, organic mesquite


Brownie ball with a creamy sunflower butter centre, covered in dark chocolate

Ingredients: dates, rice flour, coconut flour, sunflower seeds, cocoa powder, raw honey, coconut oil, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, organic spirulina powder, organic lucuma powder, organic mesquite powder.

Nanuki fan fit_metalhead  says: “Honestly these new Brownie Bombs have the most apt name because they are the BOMB! 💣💥 The Sun Butter Brownie Bomb has a delicious Sunflower Seed Butter Centre covered in dark chocolate ☀️ Perfect Snack for a Sunday afternoon. ” YUM!


We like the sound of all that delicious noise!

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