Functional Foods

Innovative health-boosting food range

The Lifematrix brand leads the way when it comes to functional foods, with its strong focus on clean, high-quality proteins (both vegan and animal), collagen and collagen broths and more.

Natural Packaging

Lifematrix have opted for mostly natural packaging materials, such as cardboard tubes and tin tops/bottoms, and the sealing caps are also recyclable.  They are working towards making their packaging 100% nature-friendly.

The cardboard containers feature a peel-off seal (like those you find on coffee tins) to keep freshness in whilst on the store shelf.


The Lifematrix brand also produces MCT (Medium Chain Triglyceride) oils,  a magnesium mineral range, a super-smoothie essentials range and a selection of super-snacks in the form of super-food popcorn.

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